Follow the below steps to post a status on WhatsApp Web using the WhatsUp+ for WhatsApp Web extension:

  1. Close WhatsApp Web if it is already open.
  2. Then go to the web store or add-ons page of your browser.
  3. Look for the WhatsUp+ for WhatsApp Web extension and add it to your browser.
  1. Your browser will automatically open WhatsApp Web after you add the extension. There, you’ll see a slightly modified interface with a few more options.
  2. Click on the WhatsUp+ icon.
  3. Select Post status from the dropdown menu.
    1. Here, you can import videos, images, and audio or write some text to post as a status. You can also select the background color of your choice and choose from five different font types.
    2. Once you have attached an image, audio, or video and added a text description you wish to use as a status, click on Send.